Alcune notizie da approfondire.
Vorrei soffermarmi su tre notizie in particolare che non hanno avuto un grande riscontro né sul web occidentale né nelle TV occidentali. 1. Mattarella e la Loggia Scontrino. Dal link che metto qui sotto ognuno…
Vorrei soffermarmi su tre notizie in particolare che non hanno avuto un grande riscontro né sul web occidentale né nelle TV occidentali. 1. Mattarella e la Loggia Scontrino. Dal link che metto qui sotto ognuno…
di Sergio Mauri Vedi anche: QGIS: produzione e gestione dei geodati; QGIS tutorial ita metodo qzero. Inquinamento in una provincia italiana. Uso di eo-browser, quindi Sentinel-2 e Sentinel-5P. Isole urbane di calore in una provincia…
di Sergio Mauri Here there’s a summary of what I published previous days. Trieste-A Guide. Trieste-A-guideDownload Autore Sergio Mauri Blogger. Premio speciale al Concorso Claudia Ruggeri nel 2007; terzo posto al Premio Igor Slavich nel…
di Sergio Mauri We can start this brief cultural route around Trieste, quoting one of our best poets and intellectuals:Umberto Saba. From his poem “Trieste”: I traversed the entire town. Then I climbed a steep…
di Sergio Mauri Trieste has a great geographical location. Because of that and the diversity of its natural backdrops itis perfect for films, TV dramas, documentaries and advertisements. It could be considered one of the“city…
di Sergio Mauri A very interesting topic of Trieste is that on theatres. Trieste has one of the highest percentage oftheatres to inhabitants in Italy. This town confirms its old and deeply rooted tradition theatre-goingand,…
di Sergio Mauri This is a post, following others, that wants to suggest you what you can visit in our wonderful town,Trieste. Right in the morning you can reach and visit the Museo Sveviano, where…
di Sergio Mauri Trieste is a town composed by thousand of facets and colours, where you can find art, culture, natureand science. You will be surprised with the delightful countryside of the karst, by its…
di Sergio Mauri In this article we wish to provide you some useful information about the sorrounding of Trieste, calledVenezia Giulia. It is a sort of itinerary suggestions you can follow when you are visiting…
di Sergio Mauri We could say that Trieste is a place where a successful and special type of melting-pot occurred.Effectively, in these areas historically bounding the Latin, Slav and German worlds, which sufferedinvasions, but also…