Nella Corea del Sud c’è lo schiavismo. Soprattutto se sei disabile!

Schiavi, Sud Corea
Schiavi, Sud Corea

Kim, visually disabled and described in court documents as having the social awareness of a 12-year-old, had no money, no cellphone and only the vaguest idea of where he was.

The afternoon of his first full day on the farm, Hong erupted as Kim struggled with the backbreaking work, according to the prosecutors’ indictment that a judge based Hong’s sentence on. The owner grabbed him from behind and flipped him onto the ground, screaming, “You moron. If I knew you’d be so bad at this, I wouldn’t have brought you here.”

In the next weeks, Hong punched him in the face for not cleaning floors properly. He beat him on the buttocks with a wooden plank for raking the salt in the wrong way.

“Each time I tried to ask him something, his punch came first,” Kim told the AP. “He told me to use my mouth only for eating and smoking. He said I shouldn’t question things and should be thankful because he fed me and gave me lodging and work.”

Un bel primato a base di diritti umani, non c’è che dire, per una delle cosiddette Tigri asiatiche, ferma alleata dell’Occidente che si diverte a far le pulci alla Corea del Nord.


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About the Author

Sergio Mauri
Blogger, autore. Perito in Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, musicista e compositore, Laurea in Discipline storiche e filosofiche. Premio speciale al Concorso Claudia Ruggeri nel 2007; terzo posto al Premio Igor Slavich nel 2020. Ha pubblicato con Terra d'Ulivi nel 2007 e nel 2011, con Hammerle Editori nel 2013 e 2014, con PGreco nel 2015 e con Historica Edizioni e Alcova Letteraria nel 2022 e Silele Edizioni (La Tela Nera) nel 2023.

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