Non solo Ferguson, ma Stati Uniti. E la conta dei morti a Chicago?

The system
The system

Ci informa Zerohedge:

With countrywide protests having occured across the nation all day, and more planned into the dark of the night, many cities are gearing up for another evening of fear and emotion. For now, the main trouble spots appear to be NYC (Lincoln Tunnel blocked, pepper spray used, multiple protests arounds Union and Times Square), Minneapolis (car ploughs down protesters, violence escalating), Cincinnati (main highway shut down) and Ferguson (2,200 National Guard deployed, multiple protests, multiple arrests). St. Louis just postponed the Thanksgiving Day parade, Los Angeles marches blocked Figueroa, Chicago protest blocked Michigan Avenue, and Oakland (I-580 and I-980 blocked)

President Obama’s earlier comments translated appeared to sound like, ‘I condemn the violence but totally understand it’ and Al Sharpton’s earlier analogies to a fight did not help. It appears the American Spring is spreading and while color may have been the catalyst, it appears youth is the dividing point.

Ma non fermiamoci a Ferguson. A Chicago a 107 giorni dalla morte di Brown, questa è la situazione:

  • 155 homicides (74% black males)
  • 725 shot & wounded
  • Six (6) 18 year olds killed: Kawantis Montgomery, Kamaal Burton, Tony McIntos, Alexandra Burgos, Rayvon Little, Johnathan Cartwright
  • 59 18 year olds shot & wounded
  • 29 teenagers (13-19) killed
  • 244 teenagers (13-19) shot and wounded
  • 10 shot (5 killed) by the CPD

Tuttavia, perché i media – e la gente – non hanno prestato attenzione alla conta dei morti degli ultimi mesi o anni. Perché focalizzarsi solo su Ferguson?

So what is it about these stats that hasn’t caused people to lose their collective shit?

After all, there have been plenty of opportunities to march, chant, throw shit, break stuff, come up with a hashtag, etc… in the past few months, not only in Chicago, but all over the nation. So where is the national media? The cable news talking heads? The race pimpin’ super duo of Jesse and Al? The professional agitators and social justice warriors? The exploiting politicians? Almost 900 shootings and homicides in the past three months and not one is worthy of their attention.

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About the Author

Sergio Mauri
Blogger, autore. Perito in Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, musicista e compositore, Laurea in Discipline storiche e filosofiche. Premio speciale al Concorso Claudia Ruggeri nel 2007; terzo posto al Premio Igor Slavich nel 2020. Ha pubblicato con Terra d'Ulivi nel 2007 e nel 2011, con Hammerle Editori nel 2013 e 2014, con PGreco nel 2015 con Historica Edizioni e Alcova Letteraria nel 2022 con Silele Edizioni (La Tela Nera) nel 2023 e con Amazon Kdp nel 2024.

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