By September 2014, and in light of the ongoing prosecution of the leader and various members of the Golden Dawn, the government seemed determined to pass the antiracism law, even with a thin majority and without the opposition’s support. It took two voting sessions before the Law for opposing certain types and manifestations of racism and xenophobia, as it was officially dubbed, was passed by the Greek legislature. In the first session the law enjoyed a majority vote. Those in favour were from the two remaining parties of the governing coalition (New Democracy and PASOK) and from the once junior partner, DIMAR, which had stepped down a year earlier. SYRIZA, the official opposition, voted neutral. The rest (Golden Dawn, the Greek Communist Party, ANEL and all the independent MP’s) voted against it.
Comunque, la sensazione è che si vada allo scontro tra Grecia e burocrazia europea. C’è il muro contro muro. Leggete questi articoli: e questo in francese:,29890.html. E’ interessante notare che Juncker dice:
« Il ne peut y avoir de choix démocratique contre les traités européens. »,quindi, abbiamo capito che la democrazia è stata bandita da mò!
Siamo al muro contro muro, con il ministro greco alle finanze (e all’economia) che si rifiuta di incontrare i funzionari europei della troika e col fondo monetario internazionale: e qui:
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