di Sergio Mauri
Trieste has a great geographical location. Because of that and the diversity of its natural backdrops it
is perfect for films, TV dramas, documentaries and advertisements. It could be considered one of the
“city of the cinema” by big production companies, both national and international. You can click on
this link to see a movie listing that took on Trieste.
Anyway, if you come to Trieste by car, you take the coastline road. Remember it has been the setting
for many car advertisements, including those by Mercedes E Class and Vaneo, Toyota Avensis, and
so on. Nearly ending the coastline road, you can stop at the Miramare Castle, we already wrote about.
Its park was the location for the main scenes of the film “Soraya”.
Nevertheless, we can suggest you some itineraries that touch on all the religious sites of those
townsfolk who have been part of the religions which have lived together here for centuries. Starting
from the Rive – the promenade along the waterfront – you will be in the same places where many
films took place: fiction, documentaries like “Hannover” by Ferdinando Vicentini Orgnani, you will
pass the Greek-Orthodox Church of San Nicolò. Walking along the Ponterosso Canal you will admire
the buildings in eclectic and neoclassical styles. Then, you see the Serb-Orthodox Church of San
Spiridione which sits cheek-by-jowel with the Catholic church of Sant’Antonio. Go on along via San
Francesco, the Synagogue will be presenting you its wonderful facade. Here too one can find the
backdrops of many films, such as “Amanti e Segreti” (lovers and secrets) by Gianni Lepre, “Un caso
di coscienza 2″ ( a case of consciousness 2 ) by Luigi Perelli, the videoclip “Eri bellissima” ( you
were very beautiful ) by Ligabue, and the videoclip “Broken” by the singer Elisa.
Last but not least, go to the Rilke trail being conscious that there was filmed the videoclip “Luce” of
the singer Elisa.